Sponsor Profile

Michael Beresford - Stratified Medicine

Michael Beresford is the Brough Chair, Professor of Child Health at University of Liverpool and Honorary Consultant Paediatric Rheumatologist at Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust. He is Director of the UK’s only ‘Experimental Arthritis Treatment Centre for Children’ and the ‘NIHR Alder Hey Clinical Research Facility for Experimental Medicine’.
He is Specialty Cluster Lead for NIHR CRN responsible for the National Specialties of Children, Reproductive & Childbirth, Musculoskeletal, Ophthalmology and Haematology. He is responsible across the NIHR CRN for ‘Therapeutics, Stratified/Personalized Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology’. He leads the “Stratified Medicine Roadmap Project” in partnership with the UK Pharmacogenetics and Stratified Medicine Network, tasked with ensuring the NIHR CRN and broader clinical research community evolve in response to an increasing number of stratified medicine studies on the UK CRN Portfolio.
He is co-investigator and work stream lead on several MRC-funded Stratified Medicine programmes including the MRC Stratified Medicine Program: ‘CLUSTER’ (Childhood arthritis and its associated uveitis: stratification through endotypes and mechanism to deliver benefit; the CLUSTER Consortium).
He is Executive member of the Paediatric Rheumatology European Society (PRES), Chairs the PRES SLE Working Party and UK JSLE Study Group and leads an internationally renowned Childhood Lupus translational research programme as part of the UK’s only Centre of Excellence for Childhood Lupus.


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Expression of Interest by email

31st January 2019

Applications Close

17th May 2019



Start the Fellowship

June 2019 - March 2020