QUEST programme
(QUantitative Early-career Skills Training)
Sponsor Profile
Sarah Rodgers - Computer Science
Sarah Rodgers has expertise in leading projects compiling and analysing environment and health datasets to evaluate the health impacts of non health interventions. As a Professor of Health Informatics, Sarah is interested in creating and analysing data rich longitudinal panel datasets from routinely collected data to evaluate individual level outcomes. Physical and mental health, health utilisation and social care, and educational attainment are impacted as a result of changes in complex interlinked housing, transport, and the built and natural environment systems. She would be particularly interested in supervising projects applying advanced spatial and temporal quantitative methods to linked individual-level housing and alcohol datasets to inform public health policy and practice to reduce health inequalities.
Expression of Interest by email
31st January 2019
Applications Close
17th May 2019
Start the Fellowship
June 2019 - March 2020