QUEST programme
(QUantitative Early-career Skills Training)
Sponsor Profile
Dan Pope - Public Health
Dan Pope is Senior Lecturer in Epidemiology and leads the Energy, Air Pollution and Health research theme at the Department of Public Health and Policy - He has 15 years research experience researching the maternal and child health impacts of, and solutions to, household air pollution (HAP) from reliance on solid fuel for household energy in lower-and-middle-income countries (LMICs). His work has helped define the global burden of disease associated with HAP and has involved substantive mixed-methods evaluation and intervention-based work on the impact of cleaner cooking fuels/technologies on HAP and health in LMICs. He assisted in producing the latest WHO Indoor Air Quality Guidelines (IAQG) on Household Fuel Combustion. His current research portfolio focusses on supporting LMICs to make scaled adoption of cleaner domestic energy in line with recommendations from the guidelines to address the HAP related burden of disease. He leads modules in quantitative research methods for Masters in Public Health Programmes at the University and Dr Pope has a particular interest in evidence-based public health, delivering workshops in evidence synthesis (NIHR HPRU) and co-hosting the European Summer School in Evidence Based Public Health with colleagues from the University of Munich (
Expression of Interest by email
31st January 2019
Applications Close
17th May 2019
Start the Fellowship
June 2019 - March 2020