QUEST programme
(QUantitative Early-career Skills Training)
Sponsor Profile
Alan Radford - Infection
Alan Radford is Reader in Infection Biology. His research takes a big data health informatics approach to better understand patterns of disease and health care interventions and how these may impact on human and animal health. His research group has established SAVSNET (, a large network of veterinary practices and diagnostic laboratories across the UK. The Group collect data in real time, link it to other available data sources such as climate and human population data; methodologies include using text mining and machine learning to extract clinical meaning from the health narratives written by veterinary surgeons. Together these data are used to assess temporal and spatial patterns, as well as risk factors for disease. Prof Radford and his group are actively exploring the links between these data and human health in key areas of antibacterial use and zoonotic disease, research areas that could naturally create a focus for this fellowship.
Expression of Interest by email
31st January 2019
Applications Close
17th May 2019
Start the Fellowship
June 2019 - March 2020