Sponsor Profile

Ke Chen - Applied Maths

Prof Chen is the Director of the Liverpool Centre for Mathematics in Healthcare (LCMH) and the Centre for Mathematical Imaging Techniques (CMIT). He is an applied and computational mathematician, specialising in mathematical imaging models and fast algorithms. Lying in the heart of data sciences and big data, imaging technology provides an important tool for analysis of images for biological, biomedical and medical applications. While the increasing resolution and fast acquisition constantly bring new challenges for automatic and in vivo analysis, new image modalities demand new mathematical models. He and his collaborators develop novel models and algorithms for multidisciplinary projects with real life applications, and are interested in a large range of problems: extraction of diseased organ, monitoring and quantifying changes, new deep learning tools using variational models, nonlinear optimization, partial differential equation, multilevel techniques.


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Expression of Interest by email

31st January 2019

Applications Close

17th May 2019



Start the Fellowship

June 2019 - March 2020