Sponsor Profile

Ruwanthi Kolamunnage-Dona - Statistics

Ruwanthi Kolamunnage-Dona has expertise in the development of methodologies for analysing complex longitudinally recorded biomarkers and survival outcome data with applications in health research for more effective clinical decision making, drug discovery and treatment management. She has experience in analysing complex data patterns across a wide range of clinical areas including infections, cancer, and mental health in both adult and paediatric settings. She also has an interest in biomarker-guided clinical trial methodologies, is a member of the MRC Network Hubs for Trials Methodology Research’s Stratified Medicine Working Group, and has been involved as a Co-I in several NIHR-funded clinical studies. She is the PI for a MRC-funded methodological grant to develop statistical modelling and prediction for multidimensional data, and leading the Department of Biostatistics Joint Modelling Research Group (https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/translational-medicine/departmentsandgroups/joine-r/).


Apply Now

Expression of Interest by email

31st January 2019

Applications Close

17th May 2019



Start the Fellowship

June 2019 - March 2020